Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Marriage is a very hard thing to describe to someone. There are so many things that go into a marriage that many people don't even think about. Communication, decisions, children, divorce, living, work, outside family, and many other things. Just the thought of everything that goes into a marriage is mind blowing and gives me a headache just thinking about it for 10 minutes. A couple must discuss everything and make a decision as a whole. One person can make a decision without counseling with their spouse, an argument will happen and feelings will be hurt. The word communication is used so vaguely, that people really don't know what it means. Discussing important matters with your husband/wife is such a great way to keep a marriage healthy and strong. I have learned so much about marriage that a whole book can be written.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Family is something so complex. Everything about a family is very hard to define. We all play a part in our families. Today in class we we're discussing the roles in our families and the difference between the males and females in our families. In my family we are made up of 5 females and 1 male which would be my dad. Being around girls all day everyday is something I've learned to do. Being here at school I live with girls, my basketball team was all girls and my family is all girls. I've never had that strong masculine male model in my house. My father is a business man so construction and cars and being in the garage was not some thing i was brought up on. Instead of me and my sisters doing all girly things, we all got to grow tough skin during sports. Everyone has a different family and expectations are and will always be different according to our culture, hometown, and most important, our values.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Class Disssss....

This week very spiritual thoughts and idea were said in class and many stuck in my mind. When discussing the topic of family trends, my eyes got opened to the huge difference between LDS standards and the standards of society. We were told to categorize divorce, child bearing, cohabitation, employed mothers, and delayed marriage into three different groups; critical, significant, and no big deal. Without putting my LDS stand point it was fairly easy just to brush through the topics. But with my standards, everything all seemed pretty harsh. I just don't know how I would feel if my life did not have LDS standards. I guess everything would seem pretty normal; living with my boyfriend, having a child without being married, or even being divorce countless times. Things just would not have a great value to them. I am grateful for the life I have and for the life style that I live.